Knowing Jesus is more than just
knowing His name. It involves getting to know everything about Him and why we
are able to have a personal relationship with Him. Explain that the study for
this month will help students understand and identify characteristics of Jesus
they may have previously not known. It will also allow students the opportunity
to get to know Jesus on a much more personal level and provide them with ways
to do so. Students will gain an appreciation for who Jesus is and be challenged
with knowing Him deeper than they have known Him before.
1 The Visible God — Colossians 1:15-20 (2/2/16)
Jesus is the image of the invisible God. He is God. Jesus
is present more than just in
creation, He is the agent of creation
from the very beginning. He is the Creator. Jesus is Lord. He was and is before
all things and because of Jesus everything is held together. Jesus is the head
of the body of Christ, the church. Jesus is the Savior of all people. In what
ways do you know Jesus in these areas?
2 The Caring God — Mark 2:1-12 (2/9/16)
loved teaching the people. Whenever people gathered to hear Him teach, He
taught them about the good news that He had to offer. In addition to His
teaching, Jesus healed the sick. The lame, the blind, the paralyzed, Jesus had
no problems healing them even if it went against Jewish tradition and the Law.
He cared for people immensely. Jesus’ way of caring challenged the people’s way
of thinking. He challenged them to look at the message of hope and healing
instead of traditions that often prevented them from seeing and meeting the
need. Jesus didn’t act out of rebellion, but out of a genuine love and concern
for people. Jesus cared enough to meet needs and not just merely keep
traditions. How do you see the heart of God?
3 The Saving God — Matthew 26:36-46, John 10:14-18, Colossians 1:21-22
death was in God’s plan from the beginning. It was God’s will for Jesus to die
for our sin. Dying was the only way for a relationship with God to be
restored. Jesus chose to be obedient to His Father’s will and die on the
cross for our sin. Jesus willingly gave His life because of His love for
His Father. Because of our sinfulness, we were separated from God.
Because of our sin, we need Jesus to bring us into a relationship with God. The
death of Jesus on the cross gave us the opportunity to have a personal
relationship with God. When we are involved in a personal relationship
with Christ, God sees us as blameless and holy.
4 The Living God — 1 Corinthians 15:12-23 (2/23/16)
have a purpose because of the resurrection of Jesus. Without the resurrection
of Jesus from the dead, there is no forgiveness for our sin and no
reconciliation with God. We have hope because of the resurrection of Jesus.
This hope is the assurance of the forgiveness of sin and eternal life with God
in heaven when we die. The hope we have can only be attained through Jesus
Christ. Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection gave us a guaranteed eternity
with Him. What does His resurrection mean to you personally?ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
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