We believe to have a lasting impact and reach this next generation is to see the light of the church be combined with the heart of the family. We desire to continually grow as a ministry in our partnership with parents. There is great power in a parent who raises up a child spiritually, and we want you to know you don’t have to do it alone. The Parent Cue is one way to come alongside your teen in what they are learning.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Series: BREAD CRUMBS (Feb. 27th - March 20th)

Before Jesus was born, Scripture was already buzzing with anticipation about who he was and what he would do. From Genesis to Malachi, the Old Testament contains countless prophecies about the coming King and Savior who would restore order to the world. For example, the book of Isaiah, written 700 years before Jesus’ birth, prepares people for his divine identity, his passionate mission, and his sacrifice for their sins. This series will help students understand Jesus more deeply by seeing him through the lens of the Old Testament.

Week 1  What Would Jesus Be Called? | Isaiah 7:14; 9:2, 6-7 (2/27/18)
About 700 years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah revealed that Jesus would receive some incredible titles. By exploring these names of Jesus, students will better understand his unique identity. They’ll also be challenged to commit themselves more deeply to their relationship with him.

Week 2  How Would People Get Ready for Jesus? | Isaiah 40:1-11 (3/6/18)
Long before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah encouraged people to prepare for Jesus’ arrival. Ultimately, this was fulfilled in the Gospels when John the Baptist pointed people to Jesus. By seeing Jesus’ arrival through the lens of Isaiah and through the work of John the Baptist, students will better understand how to get ready for Jesus to enter their own lives.

Week 3  Why Would Jesus Suffer? | Isaiah 52:13–53:12 (3/13/18)
Some 700 years before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah revealed the terrible suffering that Jesus would endure for us. The dramatic account about the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 52 and 53 indicated that Jesus would willingly lay down his life to bear the sins of the whole world. By seeing Jesus’ sacrificial work through the lens of Isaiah, students will better understand Jesus’ identity as their personal Savior.

Week 4  Why Would Jesus Come? | Isaiah 61:1-3 (3/20/18)
Centuries before Jesus was born, the prophet Isaiah revealed that the Messiah would come to restore the world, which had been devastated by sin and sickness. Isaiah predicted that the Messiah would bring the “good news” (gospel) of healing and freedom to people in desperate need of salvation. By viewing the good news of Jesus through the lens of Isaiah, students can better understand Jesus’ mission and be challenged to live for him in all they do