Lesson 3: Doing the Common Work (5/8/18)
It’s tempting to think that
leadership involves big decisions and elaborate events. But through a common,
ordinary chore, Jesus showed his disciples that significant life-change can occur
through small acts of service. In John 21, after his resurrection, Jesus cared
for his disciples by preparing them a simple meal—fish fried over a fire and
some bread. For the disciples, the scene left a memorable impression about Jesus’
leadership style.
Lesson 4: Showing Real Love (5/15/18)
The good news of the gospel is
that Jesus gave his life for us because he loved us. He also calls his
followers to be people of love, extending his love to those around us. How can
we approach people in hate when Jesus gave up his life for them in love? Jesus
said showing love to others is how the world can tell we’re his disciples.
On 5/22/18, we will be
celebrating our graduating seniors with a Baccalaureate. If your student is a
senior, please contact Jessica for more information @ jivanitsky@fbcsalem.org