We believe to have a lasting impact and reach this next generation is to see the light of the church be combined with the heart of the family. We desire to continually grow as a ministry in our partnership with parents. There is great power in a parent who raises up a child spiritually, and we want you to know you don’t have to do it alone. The Parent Cue is one way to come alongside your teen in what they are learning.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Series: WINSOME (March 29th - April 26th)

If we could remove all of the endless distractions of our everyday lives and reduce life to its irreducible minimum, that single element of life which we cannot do without, what would we end up with?

When we look at the gospel, the answer becomes strikingly clear: people need Jesus. We can manage to coast through life without many things, but we cannot afford to walk through life without Jesus. That is life's irreducible minimum.

Winsome reminds us that the gospel was never intended to end with us - it is meant to work in and go through us for the salvation of others. God has called us to be storytellers of grace, pointing those around us to Jesus, the One whom they were created by and for. The time is now to join God's kingdom story. The time is now to see those around us the way God sees them. The time is now to win some.
1.    The Irreducible Minimum (3/29/16)
The big idea is we have found the irreducible minimum in life and its people need Jesus. If that is what life is all about then the lens at which I look at life changes permanently. Every person you know, and every person you will ever meet has a paramount and urgent banner over their life. The banner reads this, “they were created by and for Jesus.”  In other words, nothing on this earth can fill a place that was created for Jesus. When you get the irreducible minimum you get a clear and compelling purpose, to share the Gospel. It’s not pressure to tell it’s just living a life that leads to others asking why.

What do you think when you hear the word evangelism? Does evangelism make you nervous?  What if it was true that when the Gospel is proclaimed people who are searching, open, hungry, hurting respond?

 2.    The Irrefutable Argument (4/5/16)
People are searching, people are open, people are hungry and people are hurting. You are here for that reason. It’s not about converts it’s about living a contagious life. The kind of life that people ask questions about your life. It’s asking God to do something amazing in your life, it’s saying “I want my life to change to the degree that others want what is changing my life.” When this is our reality we have an irrefutable argument. We don’t argue people to Jesus that is not the point, the point is we have an undeniable story when Christ starts changing our lives. We need to share our story.

Do you believe if you have a story of grace you have a story of grace to tell? What stopping you from sharing?

3.    The Irresistible Attraction (4/12/16)
Winsome is living a life that leads to “why?” When was the last time people asked what is the deal with you? What God has done for us and in us is what people are really looking for. The degree that we really have embraced the Gospel is reflected in the attractiveness of our lives to the world. Because of the Gospel we are extravagant in a selfish world, secure in and insecure world, faithful in a fickle word, and confident in a shaky world. Do you stick out?

Is the Gospel in you to go through you?

4.    The Irrepressible Longing (4/19/16)
Do you believe what God did in you can happen to anybody? Do you have confidence to share your story? We gain confidence when we get all are searching and have eternity written on their hearts. We become free to share when we realize it’s our role only to define God not defend Him. Bottom line the results belong to God and we are called to care for other and share.

What do you think it means to be in the world but not of it? How does this playout for you in be winsome?

5.    The Irreplaceable Plea (4/26/16)
God works when we pray. The city is waiting for the church to pray. No one is praying for the city if we are not. There is a connection between our prayers and the Gospel. We need to really see others to pray. We pray when we see people. We pray when we grasp our responsibility and opportunity to mediate for the Mediator. You should have friends that aren’t praying, but you shouldn’t have friend who aren’t being prayed for. Are you sleepwalking through life missing the moment that heaven is open today?

Who are you praying for to become winsome in their faith for the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few? Who are you praying for to come to faith in Jesus?